
Acupotomology Founder--Zhu hangzhang

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The Eureka World Fair for Invention, was held by the ‘European Invention Association’. It is one of the three most influential invention expositions in the world. It is where scientists and inventors worldwide display their best products.
In 1988, a Chinese doctor won the Officer Medal at the 37th ‘Eureka World Fair for Inventions’.

Zhu Hanzhang, once an informal doctor in the countryside, was given the ‘Hua Tuo Prize’, the highest award for domestic medicine.
His newly invented TREATMENT won a ‘Gold Medal’ at the 37th ‘Eureka World Fair for Invention’. This medicine is for treating chronic injury to soft tissues, one of the three most difficult illnesses in the world.
Subtitle: Chronic Injury of Soft Tissues
Subtitle: Qiao Jinlin Director of Department of Rehabilitation medicine Naval General Hospital
Qiao Jinlin: Soft tissues trauma includes muscular pain, fascia and tendon injury, as well as injury of articular cartilage, capsule and bursa.
Human body can roughly be divided into soft and hard tissues. Hard tissues are the bones AND soft tissues include muscles and ligaments. Since soft tissues involve every human activity, they are the most vulnerable part of human body.
Zhang Xiufen: There is usually a 2 to 3 centimeters homeostasis during muscle movement, like this. But in muscle injuries, the long head of ‘biceps brachia’ is conglutinated and any forward motion hurts.
Chromic Injury of Soft Tissues is caused by long term sitting or accidents. This leads to pain or numbness in lower back and ‘cervical vertebrae.’
Zhang Xiufen: Office workers sit all day, this harms the cervical vertebrae. More physical workers harmed parts are lumbar, shoulder and per arthritis. Symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, pain and numbness.

Corresponding Voice: The symptom of this patient is simply lumbago. It’s lasted more than 20 days. His vertebral column is no longer straight and his left crotch is higher than the right .Yang, please turn and walk.

Therefore, the incidence of Chronic Injury of Soft Tissues is very high. The most common is ‘Cervical Spondylosis’. Today in China, ‘Cervical Spondylosis’ is up 10%. Almost 100 million people suffer from it chronically.

Though patients can get relieve current methods have disadvantages including high incidence recurrence rates and long term treatment. Currently there is no medically effective cure for Chronic Soft Tissue Injury.
Here is the tool that Zhu Hanzhang uses, an acupotome. From its appearance, the acupotome looks no different from an ordinary needle. But amazingly Dr. Zhu has cured many patients with it.

Is this a miraculous acupotome? For many bedridden patients, even surgical operations haven’t helped. But apparently the needle-knife can cure their diseases by working just a few minutes in the painful area.
In 1976, an old carpenter, injured by an axe while working, came to Zhu ’s clinic. Though he’d already visited many hospitals, his hand still could not move freely. This meant the old man had lost his main source of income.

Then what supernatural method did Zhu Hanzhang use to recover control in the old man’s hand? Upon examination, Dr. Zhu found the old man’s muscles and bones were congealed together. They could not be separated.

At that time, Zhu Hanzhang was a herbalist doctor. He was also proficient at acupuncture. But how could just one small needle cure the carpenter’s hand? Zhu decided to take a risk: he cut away the congealed mass with a needle…completely loosening the hand joints. To every one’s surprise, the old Carpenter’s hand spread open at once and more surprisingly he was able to work in just three days.

The old man’s hand was apparently cured and Zhu seemed to have discovered a new form of treatment. He redesigned the needlepoint into an 0.8mm wide blade complete with a handle. This provided him much more accuracy. Zhu then named his surgical tool the ‘Acupotome.’

In 1984, the acupotome, invented by Zhu Hanzhang, was certified by ‘Jiangsu Health Department’. It obtained a Chinese patent in 1988.

From 1991 to 1992, Dr. Zhu completed his instruction book on acupotome treatments. It was published in both English and Chinese. Since then the manuscript has been translated into 17 languages and quoted in medical and other journals more than 9000 times.

BUT how could such a simple change in an ordinary needle produce such a miraculous cure? AND…What’s the difference between the ‘Acupotomy’ and Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a special method of treatment in Chinese medicine. As early as 2000 years ago, famous doctors Bian Que and Hua Tuo began treating people using Acupuncture. Then…In the 6th century A.D.,…Acupuncture spread to other countries, including Korea and Japan… In the 14th century Europeans learned of acupuncture from Jesuit Missionaries returning to the west from China.
Acupuncture allows ‘QI’ and blood to move more freely by stimulating special points on a patient’s body by needle. But Zhu Hanzhang’s acupotome, after piercing the injured area, not only stimulates but also cuts the damaged soft tissues. The human body has a self-healing process. When soft tissues are injured, this function results in scaring,… congealing all muscles around the injury.
Cervical Spondylosis patients often experience aches around the Cervical Vertebrae. What’s more, paralysis may result when patients lower their heads. This is because more pressure is put on the Cervical Vertebrae. As a result spinal cord nerves, spinal facets and important vein networks are affected.
In the West, surgery has been used to treat chronic soft tissue injuries resulting in serious ‘sequel a syndrome.’ The needle-knife pierces the congealed area of tissues and separates them. There is no wound and no injury. A previously difficult medical problem has been solved by a simple ‘Acupotome.’
Zhu Hanzhang was invited to Southeast Asia for educational and medical consultations. Since 1991, Acupotomology has been recognized by the world of medicine.
Dr. Zhu was invited to be vice president of the Thai seat of learning,…’The Royal University of Thailand.’ He declined because at that time he was setting up The Academy of ‘Acupotomology’ at the ‘College of Chinese Medicine’.
In 1996, Zhu Hanzhang was invited to go to the USA, (with Green Card plus 200 thousand dollar annual salary,) but again he declined in order to continue establishment of Acupotomology’s theory in China.
Established by Zhu Hanzhang 31 years ago, Acupotomology has created its own school of ‘theoretical knowledge’ AND perfected ‘treatment criterion.’ Applications now include internal medicine, surgery, dermatology, and ontology.
Following it’s establishment and acceptance more than 100 thousand people all over the world have studied Acupotomology. More than 5000 overseas doctor are currently practicing this procedure.
Over 100 Million Sufferers
To date, sufferers cured by Acupotomology total 100 million. In China, 300 thousand undergo needle-knife therapy everyday.
2000,Professor Zhu was accepted as a member of The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
2001 ,in order to honor the contribution done by professor Zhu, International Star Registry named a star of Canis Minor (RA7hl9m36sD11.l4’) ‘Zhuhanzhang Star’.
2002 , ZhuHanzhang’s work “Principle of Acupotomology” was published by People’s
Medical Publishing Company.
Zhu Hanzhang was removed to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.
2003, in the conference on “Research of Acupotomy”, organized by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China, “Needle-knife Therapy” was identified as a new science and named “Acupotomology”.
2004, in the conference of “Originality and Popularity of Acupotomology”, organized by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, experts, including 4 academicians, agreed that Acupotomology has reached international levels in the field of clinic treatment.
2004, the scientific publication, “Clinical Study of Osteoarthritis by Acupotomy” was nominated by Misistry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Second Prize of State Scientific and Technological Progress.
2005, “Fundamental Research of Acupotome Relief”, listed as project of state key research “973 Plan”.
The textbook for TCM colleges throughout the country, “ Acupotomology Teaching Process” (5 books), granted publication rights by China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
2006, The 272nd XiangShan Science Conference featured “The Development of Acupotomology and the Modernization of TCM”. Experts regarded Acupotomology as a premier development with both Chinese and Hippocratic characteristics in the Chinese medical field. It has brought huge social and economic gains and is a successful example of the modernization of Chinese medicine.
The series of Acupotomes for ‘Closed Operation’ obtained National Invention patent.
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Hubei College of Chinese Medicine began admitting undergraduates into Acupotomology programs.
Today, over 20 medical colleges have begun Acupotomology programs.

Professor Zhu Hanzhang, founder of Acupotomology, suffered a heart attack and passed away in the early hours of Oct. 14, 2006. He was 57 years old.

