

Many of our patients travel to Guangzhou from all over the world for medical treatment and tourism. China medical tourism can help with becoming a patient, travel arrangements and language assistance. If you want to know more about our services, please browse the web: http://www.medicaltourism.hk/
or mail to us: giels-x@medicaltourism.hk
Starting a family is one of the most important decisions people make in life, yet having a baby is not always easy. Come here to Guangzhou, we are dedicated to giving you the best possible chance of having a baby.
Fertility surgery is part of a large group of operations and surgery approaches classified as reproductive surgery. Reproductive surgery includes a wide range of operations designed for different purposes. Most of operations such as microsurgical tubal reanastomosis increase fertility while other operations such as tubal ligation decrease fertility.
Committed to excellence, each fertility hospital in Guangzhou, featuring modern facilities and state of the art equipment, has a close-knit team of doctors, nurses, counselors and scientists who provide full patient support throughout treatment. China Medical Tourism offers both private and publicly funded consultation and treatment. If you have a fertility question that remains unanswered, the sooner you talk to us the better your chances of success.

