
leukemia and lymph

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Hello, welcome to China Medical Tourism. When referred to the heating television drama "the Suspected Blood" in 1980s, we will think of the poor heroine who died for leukemia instantly, but this tragedy only happened in the 1980s. Is leukemia that terrifying now after the rapid development in medical treatment? Today, we will go to a cancer Hospital in China Medical Tourism to find out how they cope with leukemia in the hematology department.
The leukemia is one of the ten highest prevalence malignant tumor diseases in China, accounting to the rate of 3-4 in each 100,000 people. In pediatric malignant tumor diseases, the leukemia is also the most common one, increased by the number 30,000 to 40,000 patients per year. The leukemia was once regarded as a deadly disease, but now thanks to the fast-growing medical technology, it can totally be cured if detected in time.
"In fact, the symptoms of leukemia are no specific, and the patients may suffer from different manifestations. Some may appear like a cold. Some may act like anemia, and some patients just develop certain unobtrusive small blood dots on the skin. That's why people would pay no attention to the danger in the initial stage. Most patients choose not to see the doctors until severe bleeding occurs and the fever cannot be gone under antibiotic. In recent 20 years, as the methods of treatments become more and more various, especially for the popularization of the intensive chemotherapy, the transplantation of the hemopoietic stem cells, and the targeted therapy, more than half of the acute leukemia patients can be cured, or keep a long life."
 Doctor Lee, Director of the hematology department in China Medical Tourism.
We saw many leukemia patients in hospital got well controlled after receiving some treatment stages.
"We have a patient coming for the high fever and bleeding, his X-ray filter shows that there existed too much leukocyte in his blood. Then the following results of bone biopsy and immunophenotype also prove that he got the acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia. At first we were tended to arrange the therapeutic blood cell apherases for him, but due to his low level of platelet we had to give up. Instead, we injected the cytosine arabinoside from the previous night to decrease the leukocyte number. He is lucky enough to have the leukocyte decreased from over 200,000 to nearly 100,000 in three days."
 This hospital receives as many lymphoma patients as leukemia, and most patients are satisfied with the outcome.
 "Doc. Li told me not to worry and keep an optimistic attitude. This disease is curable, and it does not only happen overseas. China also has the ability to solve it in previous cases. I felt far better after the second and third stage of treatment."
"The health indicators would return normal after receiving two stages of treatment, then we added 7 more reinforcement stages to her. Maybe it's too early to say her lymphoma is totally cured, however, we observed to find the possibility of recurring is quite low. Generally speaking, the lymphoma should recur after half a year's drug withdrawal, but this patient did not have any recur in two years since stopping the treatment."
What's more, Doc. Li told us that the mentality of the patient has a lot to do with his immunity, so those keeping a relaxed attitude shall have greater effect than those with heavy mental burden in the treatment.
"The mentality does have relation with one's immunity. What a doctor can do is not only to make a sound and safe therapy, but also to help with the patients keeping a fine attitude so that they can receive the whole treatment. This is what our department values and pursues."
The Central Hospital adopts the intensive chemotherapy in the treatment. Then one question will be raised whether the intensive chemotherapy may cause side-effects.
 "A therapy can be compared to warfare. When the number of enemy is small, you can fight with them with less power; but when the enemy hides in the cave, you have to increase the weapon and power to reach them. It's the same principle in the final stage of the chemotherapy. We know the details are critical so we work hard on it, including we enjoined the patient to drink more water, how much he should have urinate, all his underpants should be changed to clean every day,  and the furniture in his room should be disinfected every day. These details should not be neglected and we do care about them in this hospital. Apart from these, the implementation of supportive treatment and control the blood loss are the other important guarantee to the success of the lymphoma and leukemia."
The patient said, "Doc. Lee's treatment proves to be so right that gives me a sense of re-birth."

