
The implementation of needle-knife treatment of lumbar disc herniation Nursing

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To investigate the treatment of lumbar disc herniation before and after the implementation of needle-knife method for effective nursing. Methods knife-line treatment of lumbar disc herniation 40 patients, close monitoring of patients vital signs, pay attention to the right stand, after the anesthesia subsided timely guidance functional exercises, teaching notes and post-discharge relapse prevention methods. Results 38 patients clinical symptoms disappeared completely in 2 patients to reduce clinical symptoms without any complications. Conclusion knife treatment of lumbar disc herniation, preoperative and postoperative well- nursing measures to promote the rehabilitation of patients has provided a guarantee. [Keywords:] lumbar intervertebral disk displacement of nursing health education
Lumbar disc herniation is the lumbar intervertebral disc under the influence of various factors in the degeneration of intervertebral disc, fibrous ring rupture, prominent nucleus, the occurrence of anatomical changes [1], stimulation or nerve root compression syndrome demonstrated a clinically usually presents low back pain and lower extremity radiating pain, usually in 20 to 50 years of age, more men than women, after the break can be alleviated in patients with mild, severe need manual therapy and lumbar traction therapy, needle-knife therapy and even surgery. our hospital in 2008 In January ~ June 2008 lumbar disc herniation in 40 cases of patients with needle-knife therapy to good effect. now nursing experience summarized as follows:
1 implementation of the needle-knife therapy care
Preoperative knowledge education Knife 1.1
1.1.1 psychological care
Most of these patients because of longer duration, recovery slow, easy to relapse after treatment, lack of confidence in rehabilitation, so to lift the most important psychological barrier of patients, and patients should take the initiative to talk to the introduction of the treatment of patients with trauma, less bleeding, faster recovery The advantages of needle knife to the treatment of patients with explained in detail the process and importance to explain the feeling before and after treatment, emotional impact of the disease so that patients maintain a happy mood, easy treatment.

1.1.2 daily living care
For the patient to create a good environment for residents, ward clean, dry, comfortable, sunny, comfortable temperature. Instruct patient lying on a hard Banchuang rest, supine a small pillow pad waist, side hip flexor when the knee, so to avoid further damage to disc to reduce the pressure on the rupture disc to promote the absorption of local inflammatory reaction, so that pain relief or anti-inflammatory. should not be sedentary, to keep warm and prevent cold, cold is an important incentive for lumbar disc herniation. eating light, more water , should eat with fiber-rich vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation. eat cold greasy food.

1.2 knife after-care treatment
Needle-knife treatment, the treatments Zhu Huanzhe protect parts of the surgical site to avoid the damp, to prevent site infection caused by the treatments. Be equipped with waist to protect the waist, on the bed action to light, straight under the bed are advised to turn over in bed take the prone position, and then move the legs under the bed, and slowly get out of bed until the feet touch the bed to hold up your hands after the upper body, slowly stand up. go to bed when prone on the bed first and then lift his leg to go to bed, then go to bed turning supine. so as to ensure the lightest force the waist, the waist to avoid further trauma.

2 additional lumbar traction care
Good psychological care in the same time, as soon as possible to eliminate patients pessimistic psychology to make it positive and optimistic attitude with treatment and care, and inform patients in traction within 2h before treatment can not overeat, the body relax during traction, spinal remain flat straight, chest tightness, shortness of breath, sweating and other discomfort in a timely manner to the doctor, pulling the lifting of repose should turn over 20min before activity.

3 Rehabilitation nursing
Exercises to strengthen back muscles, we can maintain the stability of the spine, reducing the load on the waist, while a strong back muscles to prevent lower back soft tissue injury, first of all explain to patients the meaning of functional exercise and attention, so that patients with persistent, active exercise in order to achieve satisfactory results. in the back pain relief for back muscle exercise after Zhu Huanzhe to guide patients with lumbar extension, flexion training to increase back muscle strength and improve lumbar and leg function, the use of straight leg raising method, the five-point support method that is the head, elbows and feet with a strong point, so hard up the back straight and Taitun training, each 10 to 20, the daily exercise 2 times, range and volume should be gradual, through exercise, to qi blood and getting a vivid, strong bones and muscles of the role.

4 discharge guidance
Establish good habits, life should be the law, pay attention to warm cold, keep their minds at ease, ban tobacco and alcohol, not eat Feiganhouwei and bitter cold cold food, eat nourishing liver and kidney of the goods, attention to enhance the protection of everyday life awareness, avoid injury, workers for long-term seat, table and chairs to adjust the height of the hip and knee at the same level, foot for standing on the ground better, in bending over for long-term workers, Nursing and improve working posture [ 2], regular stretch, chest activities, and use the wide belt, ?? the waist to reduce the load, to avoid over-exertion, heavy lifting as far as possible without bending, such as picking up items on the ground should be double-waist straight back squat, action to slow , periodic review, in particular, are aware of signs of illness should consult a doctor immediately repeated.

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