
Small needle-knife therapy in clinical application

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Needle-knife therapy is the use of modern scientific knowledge and methods, summary of modern orthopedic and soft tissue injury on bone and joint injuries of the latest achievements. In modern Western medicine and Chinese medicine, surgical therapy based on acupuncture, needle-knife therapy to Western logic used in Oriental philosophy of the macro in a dialectical, to obtain breakthrough results, it is the acupuncture therapy and combination of surgical therapy and development of needle-knife is acupuncture needles and surgical knives integration therapy, medical history of the world has added a new chapter in the diagnosis and treatment has created a new level. Needle-knife therapy to solve some common and frequently-occurring disease diagnosis and therapies, including the after-effects of various soft tissue injury, bone spurs, limbs, old fracture sequelae, some of the complications caused by the motion system; a variety of soft tissue injury sequelae in the presence of scar, contracture, and pathological factors such as adhesion, resulting in a dynamic balance within the soft tissue disorders, needle-knife therapy on the pathological factors of the new know, is from "Under normal circumstances the body is to coordinate the dynamic balance of" the basic concept, the needle-knife therapy is closed surgical therapy for most common diseases to be as open surgery.

1 Materials and Methods

1.1 General Information The group of 2200 cases 1200 cases were divided into treatment group and control group of 1000 cases, the treatment group alone 1200 cases of needle-knife therapy in patients receiving 680 cases of male and female 520 cases, ages were between 30 and 60 years of age. 1 to 2 times the treatment can be. occipital nerve compression headache 150 cases, 300 cases of cervical, trapezius injury in 120 cases, 50 cases of triceps tendon injuries, 40 cases of radial tunnel syndrome, lumbar disc herniation 220 cases, 40 cases of gluteal muscle injury, 60 cases of piriformis injury syndrome, 40 cases of ischial tuberosity bursitis, 100 patients with knee osteoarthritis, 40 cases of heel spurs, humeral epicondylitis in 20 cases , greater trochanter slide in 20 cases of inflammation.

Control group: the use of acupuncture therapy, patients received 1000 cases, male 660 cases, 340 cases of female, were aged between 30 and 60 years of age. Occipital nerve compression in 90 cases of headache, 280 cases of cervical, trapezius muscle injury in 70 cases, 40 cases of triceps tendon injuries, 40 cases of radial tunnel syndrome, 200 cases of lumbar disc herniation, gluteal muscle injury in 40 cases, 30 cases of piriformis injury syndrome, bursitis ischial tuberosity 40 cases of osteoarthritis of the knee in 85 cases, 45 cases of heel spurs, humeral epicondylitis in 20 cases, greater trochanter slide in 20 cases of inflammation as a .10-day course of treatment 1 to 2 courses.

1.2 Treatment

1.2.1 treatment group were closed with surgical therapy of small knife. How a small knife (1) fixed-point: According to patient complaints, physical signs, carefully check to determine the lesion, the reference to the local anatomy, the body surface to make a mark with gentian violet, disinfect the operative field, holes covered with sterile towels . (2) orientation: the Ministry of needle tip has a 0.8mm wide blade, the time likely to cause unnecessary damage, to avoid injury, the direction of knife-edge lines determined by these principles: ?? and lesions muscles, ligaments fiber orientation consistent; ?? If the surgical site large nerves, blood vessels through, knife-edge line with the nerve, blood vessel movement in the same direction; ?? If these two points contradict each other, such as the treatment of pear-shaped damage, nerve damage and muscle fiber orientation perpendicular to the general consistent with the direction of movement to determine when the needle knife edge line direction. (3) Pressure separation: In order to avoid the nerves, blood vessels, into the needle to the left refers to the skin under the pressure of the thumb into the depression, horizontal flip, and then Under the pressure of the blood vessels, nerves on both sides of the fingers are separated, a knife along the back of the thumb into the needle, if the joints or lesions in the external bone surface, left thumb forced under pressure, can feel the hard barrier materials, that finger has been pressed In the bone surface. (4) bayonet: the needle blade on a wall of the left thumb, a little forced under pressure to pierce the skin. Surgical Scalpel Method (1) longitudinal cut method: edge line of the fiber direction and the direction of diseased tissue or near the nerves, blood vessels in the same direction, for stenosing tenosynovitis, cord-like scar, fascia induration and so on. (2) transverse oscillation method: release the muscle attachment points in the outer adhesion, the knife after longitudinal dissection to clear, then the needle body with the blade perpendicular to the swing line. (3) trace and acupuncture: Some lesions by tissue There was never a large nerves, blood vessels, such as tennis elbow epicondyle of the humerus, tender points, from time to consider the direction, repeated cutting of the lesions were completely destroyed. (4) on the interpolation method: the treatment in the acupuncture points, such as Like acupuncture, no cutting, no release, to enhance the stimulation of the main points. (5) San acupuncture: the periosteum or the bones of chronic inflammation and hypertrophy, needle-knife therapy at the tissue hypertrophy must be more comprehensive release, Knife operation should adopt the same plane bulk prick method to improve the local tension, increase blood circulation. (6) release candidate gas law: needle knife technique done, not immediately out the needle, needle-knife operations to be completed for all and then by Kai-pin, leaving a short needle to stimulate the meridians of the blood to better run, better to improve the local stress state. (7) spin Acupuncture: pain and tenderness on the more limited, shallow in parts, anatomy simple rotation can be used at the needle, after the revolution of the needle, the needle quickly. (8), layered cut from the law: in muscle fullness at the lesion site in the body surface is a point, but the injury site or the occurrence of pathological changes in the organization can only be stacked layer by layer, the possible release layers of peeling methods will greatly improve the outcome. (9) periosteal scraping action law: in some discomfort or tenderness at the treatment of sensitive parts of the knife, needle Knife of the process of bone surface and soft tissue degeneration encountered that can not be selected cutting method, it should not be used to trace method, scraping the bone moving around the surface of the periosteum can produce strong irritation, patients often unbearable sense of soreness, but more clinical achieve an unexpected effect. (10) horizontal push the law: the fascia, ligament injury and degeneration of nerve entrapment, vascular, knife cut peel method to do after the incision to increase the release fascia, ligaments and nerves, vascular adhesion, can be used left hand thumb and index finger to support the needle body in the horizontal direction perpendicular edge to push a few. (11) cortex penetration method: for the treatment of osteonecrosis, bone necrosis in the area with the knife, depending on the size range Select a few different points scattered, through the cortex, through the marrow cavity, played the role of bone decompression. Sterile Scalpel procedure (1) surgical environment: the needle-knife treatment rooms, indoor UV disinfection 60min, bed sheets often wash and sterilization. A day at the end, thoroughly wash the floor. (2) surgical supplies disinfection. (3) doctors, nurses must wash their hands before surgery. (4) to fully disinfect skin surgical field, choose the right treatment sites, with gentian violet skin marking, and then disinfected with 2% povidone-iodine, iodine off with 75% ethanol 2 times After covering the hole on the sterile towel, so that the needle points are the central hole of the hole towel. (5) surgery the doctor, the nurse should wear a clean white coat, wearing hats and masks, doctors should wear sterile gloves. ( 6) knife surgery and other surgical instruments, delivery nurses, the sterile operating procedures should be carried out strictly in accordance with (7). a knife point can only be used in a treatment to prevent cross infection in different parts. (8) of surgery quickly covered with a Band-Aid pinhole, if the same site more than one pinhole, can be sterile gauze, bandage, Zhu Huanzhe 3 days in the treatments not part polished, 3 days, you can remove the bandage.

According to the above methods of operation, surgical technique, sterile operating procedures were implemented step by step, on the different types of diseases, find the exact point of tenderness, strict aseptic technique, selection of appropriate surgical treatment, time 2 ~ 3min, after the facilities Pressing Band-Aid surgery site, Zhu Huanzhe 3 days without water on, in order to avoid infection. Note: the treatment of patients occurred in the halo needle needle-knife phenomenon.

1.2.2 is a control group of lesions Acupuncture therapy: acupuncture acupoints in lesion differentiation using 30mm ?? ?? 40mm acupuncture needle, regular disinfection, the acupuncture treatment, day 1, every times 30min, 10 day a course of treatment.

2 treatment

2.1 Standard markedly effective: symptoms disappeared completely, completely restored. Effective: symptoms disappeared, and returned. Invalid: no significant improvement in symptoms.

2.2 Treatment of results in Table 1,2. Table 1 Comparison of two general groups Table 2 Comparison of treatment effects

3 Discussion

Since 2004, our department were 1200 cases of needle-knife therapy and acupuncture group of 1000 patients were treated, the results: Needle-knife therapy effective rate of 95%, 85% effective rate of acupuncture over needle knife therapy is superior to acupuncture therapy.

(1) acupuncture can rule the disease, a small knife can rule. (2) small needle-knife therapy is the original acupuncture "needles" and the modern surgical treatment of the "knife" to combine acupuncture needle points raised within the body, insert, twist, turn, for therapeutic purposes, but not stripping, clear, release. According to acupuncture theory, most diseases are disorders of yin and yang, meridians of the gas poor, but the point is that by the gas gathering Therefore, with a small knife at the point on the light strip along the meridian direction, clear, release, so smooth through the air Dayton, Dayton stagnant flow, illness, more speed, and twist, turn, put, put, there is no peeling, clear, pine solution strength. consequent greater stress effects of the human body, illness, also quickly. (3) Acupuncture treatment of disease can, a small knife can rule, and some acupuncture can not rule the disease, but also can cure a small knife , the effect is good, quick. (4) small knife in the treatment of bone diseases, the successful application of the purposes of surgical treatment of closed short, quick. (5) small needle-knife treatment of economic, affordable and convenient.

Thus, the launching of the project to improve efficacy, reduce costs, thereby reducing the patient's medical costs and improve quality of life of patients and reduce the burden of social and family, access to good social and economic benefits.

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