
Report of 15 cases of axillary nerve injury

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To explore the axillary nerve injury and efficacy of conservative treatment. Methods: 15 cases of axillary nerve injury were treated with drugs, acupuncture, enhance muscle strength and psychological rehabilitation methods such as treatment and diagnostic use of TCM Syndrome Clinical assessment of efficacy evaluation criteria. Results: The cure in 13 cases, improved in 2 cases. Conclusion: The use of acupuncture, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and comprehensive treatment methods such as the precise effect of axillary nerve injury.
[Keywords:] acupuncture and physiotherapy rehabilitation of axillary nerve injury inflammation of water neural activation
June 2008 ~ September, the author to physical therapy, acupuncture, small needle-knife and psychological treatment of axillary nerve injury in 15 cases, satisfactory effect, the report is as follows.
A clinical data
1.1 General information on this group, 15 cases were male, aged 30 to 55 years. Multi-pairs of upper limbs due to a sudden force on the move, or prolonged compression, tension pulled muscle contraction emerged axillary nerve injury in shoulder pain, loss of shoulder abduction, followed by shoulder muscle atrophy.

1.2 The main symptoms of upper limb outreach difficulties, external rotation weakness, deltoid muscle atrophy, loss of shoulder plump shape, deltoid area skin and sensory disturbances. Anterior and lateral shoulder pain, but pain location positioning is not clear; limb abduction, external rotation places the maintenance of 1 min, can induce pain and symptoms; electromyography see the axillary nerve injury, MRI examination can be found teres minor atrophy .
Two treatment
 2.1 reduce the local inflammation edema, promote nerve regeneration using microwave, infrared, low-IF electrotherapy and other physical therapy; neurotrophic factor, vitamin microcirculation and other drug treatment.

2.2 analgesic painkillers treatment of blood circulation, or to take quadrilateral hole closed treatment.
 2.3 to activate nerve Acupoint: Shoulder three needles, A is the point; distribution points: Qu Chi, Hegu. Electroacupuncture.
2.4 to enhance muscle strength in the 3 below can be used neuromuscular electrical stimulation treatment of paralysis of the muscles, passive movement, active movement help slow muscle atrophy and increase muscle strength. Strength up to three more, resistance exercises should be carried out. In order to prevent the bottom of humeral head dislocation, shoulder harnesses are available.
 2.5 Prevention of soft tissue contracture and joint stiffness of limb muscle massage, passive movement of joints; ultrasound, thermal therapy, intermediate frequency electrotherapy and other physical therapy can be anti-inflammatory swelling, loosen adhesion; if contracture has occurred, should be carried out joint mobilization, passive traction, physiotherapy and other treatment.
2.6 Treatment of swelling of the muscles after nerve injury lost motor function, but also lost the role of upper limb venous compression return, especially if the limbs are drooping position, flexion contracture, when the axillary scar contracture, prone to swelling. Treatment can be used shoulder straps, bandage hanging limbs, active and passive activities, massage, pay attention to suspension time can not be too long, otherwise the lack of activity due to increased upper extremity edema, remove the sling several times a day should be exercise.
2.7 psychological treatment for axillary nerve injury, the loss of most of the side of the limb function, affect people's work and life, coupled with slow recovery, course length, so that patients have anxiety, therefore, should prepare the patient's ideological work; to encourage patients to establish disease-fighting confidence.
2.8 small needle-knife therapy on the treatment effect is not obvious in the use of small needle-knife-line four sides Conson solution technique.
3 Clinical Standards and the results of Healing: shoulder joint function recovery, muscle strength returned to normal; improved: shoulder joint function recovery, partial restoration of muscle strength; healed: Symptoms not improved. Results: 15 patients were cured in 13 cases, improved in 2 cases.

4 Summary
After axillary brachial plexus nerve bundle from the bottom, mainly composed by the C5 nerve root. Axillary nerve injury, such as four-sided hole in the extrusion more prolonged, intense muscle contraction pulling axillary nerve injury. Treatment in order to restore nerve function Xiaozhongzhitong principles, use of physiotherapy, electric acupuncture, needle knife loosen as the main way to increase muscle strength with exercise therapy, rehabilitation shoulder motor function, the effect is satisfactory. There is also a result of cervical plexus neuritis that is caused by viral infection axillary nerve injury, the acute phase should first anti-inflammatory anti-viral therapy. Acute axillary nerve injury recovery, according to 'Clinical Pain' records, the required 15 d ~ 3 months, the individual cases require 6 months, therefore, should adhere to treatment [1  3].

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