
Washing with a small knife with traditional Chinese medicine treatment of 97

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To investigate the treatment of knee osteoArthritis and effective therapeutic approach. [Method] 97 patients with osteoArthritis of the knee were treated with traditional Chinese medicine with a small knife outside the washing treatment, clinical efficacy. [Results] 97 cases were excellent in 41 cases, good in 29 cases, 22 cases and poor in 5 cases, the total efficiency of 94.85%. [Conclusion] The Chinese Washing with a small knife with knee osteoArthritis treated with good effect.
[Keywords:] knee osteoArthritis, medicine outside the wash, a small knife

Abstract: [Objective] To explore the method for knee joint osteoArthritis. [Method] 97 patients take the said method above, observe its effect. [Result] 41 cases were excellent, 29 good, 22 just so so, 5 bad, the total effective rate was 94.85%. [Conclusion] TCM external cleansing coordinated with small needle knife has good clinical effect.

Keywords:: knee joint, osteoarthritis, TCM external cleansing, small needle knife

Osteoarthritis of the knee (osteoarthritis, OA) is common in the elderly, multiple, serious problems in the health of the elderly living .2003 May to October 2007, the use of Chinese medicine outside our hospital with a small needle wash knife treatment of 97 cases of OA patients, followed up after 0.5 to 4 years, satisfactory outcome, are as follows.

1 Clinical data

All patients were from 97 patients with orthopedic clinic of our hospital, 38 males, 59 females, aged 38 to 79 years (mean 58.72 + -8.69) years, 62 cases of unilateral disease, 35 patients with bilateral disease, duration 2 weeks to 5 years. diagnostic criteria: Western diagnostic reference to American College of Rheumatology criteria developed osteoarthritis [1]. TCM diagnosis reference <<Chinese new drug clinical research guidance Policy "> [2] recognized standards relating to arthritis. excluded: severe joint deformities, ankylosing arthritis, pregnant or lactating women, those who are allergic to the drug treatment provided under a course of treatment or medication or failure to interrupt treatment for various reasons, were unable to determine the efficacy of combined heart, liver, kidney and hematopoietic systems and other serious diseases and the mentally ill. Clinical manifestations: recurrent major knee swelling, pain, increased fatigue, reduce pain after the break, the pain points are mostly concentrated in the patellar tip, adductor tubercle, geese and other foot and knee popliteal people side, of which the patella and adductor tubercle tenderness tip the most significant part of the treatment of skin temperature increased by it or not, joints will be a case of chills and fever or chills two groups, 69 patients with cold, hot group of 28 patients, X films showed different degrees of joint space narrowing, articular eminence and the proliferation of different degrees around.

2 treatment

2.1 Chinese and Washing

Washing with prescriptions for the clinical experience of Liuzhou City Hospital of Wang Liping side by Chuan Wu, Aconitum, rhubarb, Zeeland, hematoxylin, Achyranthes, Artemisia annua, Smilax glabra, the sea breeze rattan, leather and other herbs Pittosporum composition, and Modified cold and heat with the disease identified: joint cold chills, local skin temperature lower than the healthy side were added with Gui Zhi, cinnamon, joint swelling, skin temperature were added with high gypsum, Anemarrhena. will be the first Chinese immersion 20min, after boiling slow fire and cook for 20min after the change to take medicine, knee and placed in pots on the first smoked drugs with steam until the water temperature down to change the dip after suffering knee pain tolerance at 1 ~ 2 times / d, about every 30min, 4 weeks to 1 course of treatment. external wash to patients locally rather than warm comfort for the degree of skin burn, pay attention to rest and keep warm during treatment.

2.2 Treatment of small needle-knife

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Washing line 1 to 2 weeks after partial knee treatment limitations or local tenderness when the knee point is a clear limitation of the local point tenderness, local infiltration anesthesia line treatment of small needle-knife 1 or 2 times, depending on improvement of symptoms, depending on (local infiltration Recipe: 2% lidocaine 5ml +0.5 mg vitamin B121ml + triamcinolone acetonide-pin 40mg), each interval of at least 1 week. small knife specific steps: select the point and mark the treatments, routine disinfection and strict aseptic requirements according to local infiltration of tenderness as the center point of delivery, after the first feed along the soft tissue and ligament release Traveling longitudinal direction of the line after facial peel rampant, causing transport knife disappeared or decreased resistance as the standard. after the external application of sterile dressings, after 24h is not cleaning the bathroom, no antibiotic treatment to prevent infection.

3 Results

3.1 Clinical Standards

Efficacy of standard reference knee knee comprehensive score: an American Hospital for Special Surgery score (HSS scoring system that is) for knee function score, out of 100 points, within 30 minutes of pain, function scores, range of 18 points, muscle strength 10 points, 10 points deformity, stability, 10 points.> 85 is divided into good, 70 to 84 are divided into benign and can be divided into 60 to 69, "59 is divided into poor.

3.2 Treatment Results

The 97 cases were performed before treatment in patients with HSS score, 14 patients 40 to 49 minutes, 35 cases of 50 to 59 minutes, 48 cases of 60 to 69 minutes. Score again after treatment, 97 patients were excellent in 41 cases (42.27%), good in 29 cases (29.90%), which in 22 cases (22.68%), poor in 5 cases (5.15%), the total effective rate 94.85%, the original pre-treatment score for the 48 patients, after treatment, 31 cases achieved excellent scores, 17 patients achieved good. The patients, 18 cases of simple washed by Herb symptoms improved, and the remaining patients underwent treatment of a small knife. After an average of 2 years clinical follow-up, the total effective in patients with recurrence in 18 patients, of which good in 3 cases, 15 cases of recurrence were once again treated by this method can still achieve the previous treatment.

4 Discussion

Knee OA is a common degenerative diseases, Medical vest Arthralgia country areas, liver and renal loss of its internal, complex feel the wind, cold, wet, hot evil, plus fatigue, strain, trauma, leading to the local meridian closed knee resistance, blood runs sluggish, bones dystrophy caused the disease. limb tissue biology and biomechanical factors resulting change in terms of occurrence of knee osteoarthritis is an important reason.

Washing with the use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment and medicine through the role of thermal effects, promote blood circulation, reduce joint pressure, acceleration of local transport and excretion of metabolic products, traditional Chinese medicine can alleviate the soft tissue around the outside to wash the same time to reduce spasticity articular pressure. Herb Wash rhubarb Fang group, hematoxylin and other blood circulation of qi, blood and pain relief, Chuan Wu, Aconitum and other Qufengchushi, and cold pain, the sea breeze rattan, leather and other Pittosporum numbness, dampness, meridians Shujin, Pittosporum skin, such as dehumidification Smilax mixture of traditional Chinese medicine detoxification can reduce skin irritation and reduce the allergic response by addition of cold Guizhi, cinnamon helps generate yang, warm flow of qi, and cold pain and heat are added with gypsum , Anemarrhena heat meridians. a small knife in the joint soft tissue adhesions, joint movement restriction site, the line peel adhesion of small needle knife, loosen the role played by Zhang, stripping the surrounding muscles and ligaments play a resume and other soft tissue movement way, relieve muscle spasms, reduce synovial sac pressure, mechanical joints to regain balance. triamcinolone acetonide injection and local injection of vitamin B12 can be effective and durable suppression of inflammatory and allergic reactions, local tissue and nerve fibers involved in repair, to prevent postoperative adhesions and restore normal physiological function and rebuild a new dynamic equilibrium of the knee.

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