
Needle knife of cervical vertigo patients of vertebral artery blood flow velocity

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More by cervical vertigo cervical vertebral Artery (Cervical Spondylosis of Vertebral Artery type, CSA) caused greater pain to the sufferers, and many clinical drug therapy can not cure, and often long-term adverse drug reactions. In recent years, I applied needle knife Treatment CSA 40 cases, while the use of Doppler ultrasound before and after treatment of vertebral Artery blood flow velocity changes, provide a scientific basis for clinical. are reported below.
1 Clinical data
1.1 General information
CSA were observed in 80 cases for the June 2006 -2009 on June physiotherapy treatment at our hospital were randomly divided into 2 groups of 40 cases. Acupuncture control group, 11 males and 29 females, age 20 65 years, mean 51 years, the shortest duration of 3 d, up to 10 years, with an average of 1.2 years. knife treatment group 13 males and 27 females, aged 18 to 64 years, mean 50 years, the shortest duration of 2 d, most 9 years longer on average 1.3 years .2 group sex, age, duration and other general information on the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05), comparable.

1.2 Diagnostic criteria
Reference 1992 National Symposium of cervical spondylosis of vertebral Artery type of cervical proposed diagnostic criteria for disease [1]:
① dizziness, visual rotation as the main performance,
② neck rotation test was positive,
③ X-ray showed intervertebral joint instability or proliferation of Luschka joints,
④ symptoms associated with sympathetic,
⑤ exclude endogenous eye, ear vertigo.

1.3 Inclusion criteria
① age of 18 to 65 years,
② the number of vertigo in more than 2,
③ vertigo attack lasted more than 7 d, or medication can not relieve itself ineffective.

1.4 Exclusion criteria
①Pregnancy or breast-feeding women
② combined cardiovascular, liver, kidney, hematopoietic system in patients with severe primary disease and mental illness,
③ eye origin, patients with otogenic vertigo,
④ who occasionally occur 1 vertigo,
⑤ do not meet the inclusion standards, not follow regulations for examination or treatment, or incomplete information.

2 Methods
2.1 Treatment
2.1.1 knife treatment group
Patients were sitting or prone position. Palpation according to the image and the positive point of the body surface with precise positioning, routine disinfection, local anesthesia, drape after the treatments. Uses a type IV needle knife, knife-edge line along the longitudinal axis of the body at the point piercing pressure. in the lesions to the joint capsule segment joints probe cross cut line, and then put knife to muscle, fascia release the number of longitudinal cutting knife, the knife turned the knife rampage release number. fascia, such as ring pillow hypertrophy in the pillow off the assembly line tenderness point vertical and horizontal release several knives.

These are the next release to the knife when the knife was no significant resistance, hemostasis, the wound with a Band-Aid paste. knife after the end of treatment, the patient supine position, the first doctor to sit in the patients before single-handedly put back of the neck, the thumb to withstand the transverse tilt skew the other hand placed on the side of cheek and jaw in patients with head turned to the contralateral, his hands after a few seconds of cervical traction , push the thumb to exert suppress the transverse process transverse process, you can feel the "clicks" Reset sound, that the wrong skew reduction of cervical spine joint segments, the role of the stretch, the lesion segment and further to release adhesions. 3 d treatment of 1, 3 times for a course of treatment efficacy after 2 courses of Statistics.
2.1.2 acupuncture group
Acupoints: the wind pool (both sides), neck Jiaji (both sides). Patients prone sitting position, each hole through the wind pool, the tip facing the opposite direction of the wind pool of acupuncture, according to the patients body, can penetrate 50 75 mm, acupuncture Jiaji, the tip slightly obliquely to the direction of the spine, piercing the 20 ~ 40 mm, applied twisting reducing method. all point the needle 30 min, 1 day acupuncture, continuous treatment of 10 to 1 a course of treatment efficacy after 2 courses of Statistics.

2.2 Observation Method
Doppler ultrasonography of carotid-type instrument for the HP 21000, HP 25500 type, transducer frequency 7.5 MHz. By the ultrasound physicians, the patients were fasting quiet supine position or left lateral position, the vertebral artery imaging in a clear, place the probe treatment of vertebral artery blood flow parameters before and after the detection of vertebral artery. Measurement of vertebral artery blood flow velocity, diameter, vertebral artery observed the shape, size, whether there is a narrow, walk the line is bent, twisted, and whether the wall thickening, echo is enhanced intima have plaque formation.

2.3 Clinical Standards
Reference to the State Pharmaceutical Administration promulgated in 1994 <<TCM Syndrome Diagnostic efficacy of the standard>> [2], by healing, effective, better and invalid assessed.

2.4 Statistical Methods
All data were statistically treated by .2 SPSS11.5 software group compared with the χ2 test efficacy differences, compared with a t test measurement data.

3 results (see Table 1, Table 2)
Table 1, group 2 patients with cervical vertigo treatment of vertebral artery blood flow parameters before and after comparison, Table 2, group 2 patients with cervical vertigo Clinical Comparison of (slightly.

4 Discussion
Cervical vertebral artery is the main mechanism: the vertebral soft tissue injury caused by acute or chronic aseptic inflammation, tissue between the scar and adhesions and contracture, stimulation, compression through them the blood vessels, nerves and caused the other hand, adhesions, contracture of the vertebral soft tissue can be attached to the vertebral traction force of the imbalance, leading to a total or partial cervical vertebrae resulting from the displacement of small bone and joint displacement, the stress on various parts of vertebral body corresponding changes occur in the human body under the action of self-compensatory mechanisms lead to the occurrence of bone hyperplasia, hyperplasia of bone around the neck pressure will stimulate the nerves, blood vessels, produce a series of cervical spinal cord and the clinical symptoms.

knife treatment of lesions in the accurate positioning, based on the chronic injury The soft tissue release, and clear and peel, and tips for X-ray anatomy of the small bone and joint pathology, with a unique way Acupotomology be corrected. We believe that it is this imbalance of cervical stress improvement eliminate or reduce the vertebral artery oppression, pull, twist and other stimuli, so that the vertebral artery hemodynamics improved. coupled with our use of supine positioning rotating Pulling pulling so wrong joints Luschka joints, facet joints easily reset and restore the normal sequence of cervical vertebral artery pressure to lift the brain to smooth the natural blood supply, thereby reducing or eliminating the dizziness, headache, neck discomfort symptoms.
Doppler ultrasonography revealed blood flow in patients with needle knife treatment parameters significantly improved significantly faster vertebral artery, vertebral artery diameter increased cross-section. Tip needle knife therapy can relieve spasm state, increasing lesions of the blood supply, promote local congestion, edema subsided, eliminating aseptic inflammation, so as to achieve a good therapeutic effect.

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