
Small knife after lumbar disc cupping with bloodletting therapy Clinical observation

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To observe the small knife cupping with bloodletting therapy after the clinical effect of lumbar disc herniation. Methods 60 cases of lumbar disc herniation, divided into two groups. A group of 30 patients for the experimental group, B group and control group of 30 patients. A group with a small knife after cupping with bloodletting therapy, B group were treated with a small knife. Results A total effective rate of 100%, effective and cured 27 cases, accounting for 90%. B group, the total was 80%, effective and cured 22 cases, accounting for 73.3%. A group was significantly higher than treatment group B, statistically significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). Conclusion small knife treatment of postoperative bleeding cupping the clinical effect of lumbar disc herniation was significantly higher simple with a small knife in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation patients.
[Keywords:] small knife cupping bleeding lumbar disc herniation
Lumbar disc herniation is the most common cause of low back pain is a common disease. The disease occurs mainly in young adults, may manifest as low back pain and motor dysfunction, a cauda equina damage may have large, urine dysfunction severe cases can cause paralysis, the patient's life, work a great impact. I in patients with lumbar disc herniation were treated, first through a small needle-knife treatment, then cupping bleeding, with very satisfactory results, are as follows.

1 small knife treatment:
Go first reaction points: lesions, such as the spinous process, supraspinous, and lesions in the distance, such as attachment points sacral gluteus maximus, hip small muscle attachment points ilium, gluteal muscle attachment points iliac, pears Table-like body projection areas. and then to go first reaction point in the routine skin disinfection, with the flat blade knife by the "four step needle" into the needle, the base depth of response points, sparse longitudinal line transverse peel 2 to 3 times a knife.

If spinous process treatment, the longitudinal axis parallel to the spine edge, knife or deep transverse facet Vice sudden vertical rows sideways thinning method, and then withdrawing knife, blade inclined outward 45 ??, edge of transverse process After the upper edge turned 90 ??, cutting ligaments and intertransverse intertransverse muscle 3 to 4 knife. foramen spinous process in the Department of adjacent vertebral lesions adjacent to open mid-point of the upper spinous about 2cm, knife piercing of bone surface, both the outer facet, close to the bone margin of 2 to 3 cutting knife, a scalpel blood cupping therapy.

2 cupping with bloodletting therapy
After treatment in the knife disc at the corresponding intervertebral foramen method using glass jars with flash fire cupping blood, so blood flow after a 20 ~ 40ml, and then remove the cupping.

More small knife and cupping with bloodletting therapy 7 days time, 2 times a course of treatment, after two courses of statistical treatment.

Clinical Standards
Healing: Symptoms and signs disappeared, walking accessibility, return to work. Markedly: symptoms and signs disappeared, walking, mild labor slight discomfort, which can basically return to work. Improved: symptoms and signs not much work or can not walk . invalid: symptoms, signs no improvement.

Lumbar disc herniation in this group diagnostic criteria
[1] Clinical symptoms: low back pain, or with lower extremity radiating pain, or numbness, limb cold sensation, or muscle paralysis, cauda equina symptoms

[2] the objective signs: scoliosis, or disappearance of the physiological lordosis, or spinous process tenderness or radiating pain, or stiffness in the waist, walking posture board stiff. straight leg raising test was positive or neck flexion test was positive.

[3] imaging: CT showed swelling of lumbar disc or out. In this study, 60 patients are in line with the above diagnostic criteria. 33 males and 27 females, aged 16 to 60 years of age, duration of 1 to 15 days in 16 cases, 15 to 60 days in 25 cases, 19 cases more than 60 days.

(Table 1)
Table 1 General data of patients
Group Sex (male / female) Age (years) duration (days
1 ~ 15 ~ 60 days 15 days 60 days
A group (n = 30) 16/14 16 ~ 58 8 15 7
B group (n = 30) 14/16 16 ~ 60 7 17 6
Results All patients in the treatment effects were evaluated 28 days after the two courses. A total effective rate was 100% cured, 12 cases, 40%, effective in 15 cases, accounting for 50%. B group was 80%, 8 cases were cured, 26.6%, effective in 14 cases, accounting for 46.6%. between the two groups, A group effect was significantly higher than B group. (p <0.05)

(Table 2 )
Table 2 The effect of different treatments the number of cases (%
Markedly improved recovery group invalid
A group (n = 30) 12 (40 15 (50 3 (10 0 (0
B group (n = 30) 8 (26.6 14 (46.6 2 (6.6 6 (20

Lumbar disc herniation, according to imaging studies, can be divided into bulging disc, highlights, extrusion and free type, according to the direction may have central, central next to the type, after the lateral, foraminal and far lateral type. [1] In clinical therapy, often encounter a disc slightly prominent, but the heavy clinical symptoms and signs typical of patients, but also highlight the degree of weight, but no obvious clinical symptoms and signs of patients. my analysis, lumbar disc herniation with the protrusion on the nerve root compression and stimulation, and nerve roots and produce inflammatory edema at the 5 - hydroxytryptamine, bradykinin and other substances cause pain, but with the disc between the vertebrae caused by spinal disorders related to the mechanical balance.

decompression through a small needle knife, adjust the balance of the spine mechanics, and then bled to eliminate cupping inflammatory edema, reduce pain caused by pain caused by the material and the release of substances into the body. so as to achieve therapeutic purposes.

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